It’s Week 2!!!
Defensive Mastermind Monte Kiffin takes his rightful place amongst the most influential individuals in Buccaneers history.

The Walk-In Crowd
People watching and people dodging on the way to the seats.
And The BUCS Take the field…


If you recognize this jersey, let me know in the comments.

Coin Toss/Meeting Of The Minds

The empty seats at the beginning of the 2nd game is something I was hoping to not see this year. Especially, coming off a Super Bowl victory.

Me and Mine VS you and yours

This lil' dude is a trooper. LOUD and PROUD in the Home Opener and this week as well.

Some relatively new fans and visitors right before the beads start flying..

It's always cool and/or funny to see the beads flying from the ship onto the heads of unsuspecting new fans and visitors in the stadium.

BEADS, BEADS, and more BEADS. These new pirates had terrible arms this week. Hardly any beads even made to my row which is only 10 rows down from the ship.

More beads, please...

It's halftime.

Gene Deckeroff being the Master Of Ceremonies as usual

Monte Kiffin...2021 Ring Of Honor Inductee

As always, a big pop for Father Dungy when he shows up on screen.

John Lynch appeared as part of the video tribut to Monte Kiffin.

Ronde Barber was in attendance for the induction.

Derrick Brooks is always there for Ring Of Honor.

Monte Kiffin Inducted Into The Ring Of Honor at halftime
It’s been a long time coming. Arguably, too long. But, finally, defensive mastermind Monte Kiffin takes place amongst the most influential individuals in Tampa Bay Buccaneers history in the Ring Of Honor.
GAme ACtion
Brady To Godwin For The Touchdown
Patterson one-handed catch and touchdown.
Red Zone Defense At Work…Whithead With The Big Hit
Devin White almost KILLS Matt Ryan..
Brady To Evans For The Touchdown!!!
White ALMOST Gets The Sack
Brady To Brown For The 1st Down
You Can't Escape The BUCS Run Defense
Atlanta Pinned Deep..
Endzone Noise!!!
Even More Noise From The Endzone; Pitts With The Big Catch
BUCS Win! BUCS Win!! BUCS Win!!!
longtime fan, first-time attendee
Julie just got her first Raymond James Stadium experience as a fan. I ask her about the surprises. The ups and downs. What was there to love? Would she ever come back??